Central Union School District

Professional Development

Ensuring students are prepared for 21st Century Learning and beyond through fully implementing CA Common Core Standards and the integration of technology throughout instruction Central Union School District and all four-school sites combine efforts to provide professional development, which revolves around this focus, for grades transitional kindergarten through eighth. Teachers within the District align classroom curriculum to ensure that all students either meet or exceed State proficiency levels.

The writing and implementation of Central Union School District's curriculum is an ongoing process, designed to meet the needs in the areas of instructional improvement and implementation of Common Core Standards and instructional materials. Teachers and administrators at each school site serve on curriculum committees. The committees review standards and frameworks, 21st Century skills, and district assessments. These educators give input on staff development needs, analyze assessment data, and select textbooks and supplementary teaching materials based on the state standards.

As part of the growth process, opportunities for training and staff development are provided at both the District and individual school site levels. These workshops include effective teaching strategies, classroom management and technology. In addition to the teaching staff, instructional aides also receive training in assisting students in the area of reading, conflict management, and technology. Ongoing staff development occurs throughout the year.

The District is focused on the continuing to enhance Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) in the social-emotional/behavioral and academic areas. Through Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), staff are identifying Essential Standards, unwrapping standards and determining critical Learning Targets. They are creating, administering and analyzing the data of Common Formative Assessments. On-going professional development is focused on supporting the work of ensuring learning for all students at high levels.

Central Union Elementary School District will continue to make a strong commitment to providing guidance for all staff in an effort to develop an instructional program that fosters creativity, academic excellence, and student achievement.

Professional Development Training

Illuminate Training
My Math TK-8 Training
My Favorite Place
I Want to Learn
Observation Chart

Text Book Adoptions

Annual Professional Development Training

New Teacher Training - Each year new teachers to the district receive training reviewing curriculum, practices and procedures, and information on the various departments throughout the district. In addition, all new teachers are provided with a support provider to assist them throughout the year.  

Instructional Aides Training – Each Fall, Instructional aides are provided with three training opportunities. Topics are based on input from staff on needs, feedback from previous trainings, and training needed for paraprofessionals to support District Goals.

Reading Mastery - Reading Mastery is the supplemental reading program used throughout the district. New teachers and instructional aides in grades TK-Kindergarten through second receive training in Reading Mastery at the beginning of the school year. Additional coaching is provided throughout the school year upon request for newly hired staff members.  

ELPAC Training – Students in transitional kindergarten through grade twelve whose home language is not English are required by law to take an English proficiency test. In California, the test is called English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC). Student districts must administer the ELPAC Initial Assessment to all student enrolling in a California school who have a primary language other than English based on their Home Language Survey for initial identifications. School districts are also required to administer the ELPAC Summative Assessment annually to all students identified as an English Learner until they are reclassified as Fluent English Proficient (RFEP). Central Union Elementary School District Curriculum Coordinator, Assistant Principals and other staff are trained yearly on the administration of these assessments.

First Aid/ CPR Training - Each year all coaches and physical education teachers are provided first aid and CPR training. In addition, depending on site needs addition teachers and aides also receive First Aid/CPR Training. Office staffs at each school site, specialty instructional aides and yard supervisors receive training per job description.

Project ALERT - Central Union School District is committed to providing the most effective approaches to preventing the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs in our schools and communities. Junior High Science Teachers provide instruction using Project ALERT curriculum. Project ALERT is a nationally recognized, middle grade, substance abuse program that gives students insight, understanding and actual skills for resisting substance abuse. Project ALERT successfully addresses tobacco, alcohol, marijuana and inhalants, the substances teens are most likely to use.

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