Psychological Services
Central Union School District currently employs two (2) full-time School Psychologists.
School Psychologists are credentialed professionals whose primary objective is the application of scientific principles of learning and behavior to reduce school-related problems and to facilitate the learning and development of children within the school district. They are trained to help identify specific learning and behavioral barriers and develop a plan to support the student and staff to assist the student in making progress toward their academic, social and behavioral goals. In addition to working directly with students, the School Psychologists also collaborates with educators, parents, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between home, school, and the community for all students.
Within Central Union School District, School Psychologists work with Students to:
- Increase achievement by assessing barriers to learning and determining the best instructional strategies to improve learning
- Provide behavioral support to students through such services as:
• direct behavioral support
• consultation services to student or to in-line staff
• data collection and Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) development
- Support and improve behavioral functioning of identified students
- Promote wellness and resiliency by:
• reinforcing communication and social skills
• helping students develop sound, problem solving skills
• development of anger management skills
• understanding and monitoring of self-regulation skills
• develop a sense of self-determination
• find optimism
Students who may need mental health services can be provided these services through the School Psychologist and these services are generated by any stakeholder through a Student Study Team Referral, Section 504 and/or an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). If said services are not available on the school site at that time, a referral to a partnering agency will be made on behalf of the family and child.
Within Central Union School district, School Psychologists works with students and their families to:
- Identify and address learning and behavior problems that interfere with school success
- Evaluate eligibility for special education services (within a multidisciplinary team)
- Support students' social, emotional, and behavioral health
- Provide parents with information to enhance parenting skills
- Increase positive behavior interactions with peers and staff
- Guide the implementation of a Behavior Intervention Plan or Functional Behavior Assessment.
- Consults with outside agencies to provide services for students
- Make referrals and help coordinate community support services
Parents/Guardians who feel their student may need mental health services can seek out these services by contacting the school office. If said services are not available on the school site, a referral to a partnering agency will be made on behalf of the family and child.
Suicide Prevention Manual
Community Resources & Connections
Kings County Behavioral Health (Early Childhood Assessment, Counseling Services, Advocacy Support, WIC, Communicable Disease Services)
450 Kings County Drive, Suite 104, Hanford (559) 582-3211, ext. 2376 or (559) 537-0246
Central Valley Regional Center (CVRC) (Respite Care, In-home support for disabled persons, Advocacy Support, Preventative & early identification of disabilities, placement in living facilities)
5441 W Cypress Ave., Visalia (559) 738-2200
Kings View Counseling Services (Prevention of and recovery from mental illness or substance abuse)
1393 Bailey Drive, Hanford (559) 582-4481 or (800) 655-2553
United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) (Early intervention/prevention services, Support for in-home plans, Homebound Programs, Therapeutic and Social Skills, Occupational/Physical Therapy, Parent & Me Learning Program)
606 West 6th St. Hanford (559) 584-1551
Kings County Health Department (Children’s Immunizations, Child Health-Disability Prevention Program, Communicable Diseases Services, WIC)
330 Campus Drive, Hanford (559) 584-1401
NAS Lemoore Fleet and Family Support Programs (Dining Services, Fleet, Family and Child Programs, Housing, and Morale)
NAS Lemoore