An English Learner (EL) is student who enrolls in a California school beginning in any grade level, transitional kindergarten through grade twelve, has a language other than English identified on the Home Language Survey (HLS), and upon assessment, obtained a level of English proficiency that indicates programs and services are needed to assist the English Learner in building English proficiency, refining the academic use of English, and provides them access to subject area content.

EL Master Plan
CUSD EL Master Plan
English Language Learner Committee
Each school with 21 or more English learners regardless of language, must form a functioning English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) or subcommittee of an existing advisory committee.
On the committee, the percentage of parents of English learners is to be at least the same as that of English learners at the school. After formation and training of the ELAC, the ELAC may delegate its legal responsibilities to an existing school advisory committee or subcommittee.
The purpose of the ELAC (or subcommittee, if appropriate) is to advise (reviews and comments) the principal and school staff on programs and services for English learners.
The district provides training for all ELAC members.
District English Language Learner Committee
Bylaws: Spanish
District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC)
ComitéConsejero del Lenguaje de Ingles (DELAC)
Each district with 51 or more English learners regardless of language, must form a functioning District English Advisory Committee (DELAC) or subcommittee of an existing district-wide advisory committee.
Parents or guardians of English learners not employed by the district must constitute a majority membership of the committee. After formation and training of the DELAC, the committee may designate an existing district-wide advisory committee to fulfill the legal responsibilities of a DELAC of the parents and guardians of English learners is at least the same percentage of that of the English learners in the district.
Each school English learner advisory committee (ELAC) must have the opportunity to elect at least one parent member to the DELAC.
The purpose of the DELAC, or subcommittee on English learner education, is to advise (reviews and comments) the district governing board (in person and/or in writing) on programs and services for English learners. The district shall provide training for all DELAC members.