The District implements a balanced assessment plan. Classroom teachers and Professional Learning Community (PLC) Teams use the formative assessment process for immediate information to guide teaching and learning. District Interim Assessments measure student progress and inform future teaching and learning. State mandated Summative Assessments measure multi-year progress and are used to evaluate educational programs.

Assessment Calendar 2023-24
- updated 10/23/23
Analysis of assessment data is a critical component of the Cycle of Continuous Improvement. Educational Services supports site administrators and staff with analysis and interpretation of the results from the various assessments administered district wide. Reflection enables staff to make sound curricular and instructional decisions for the educational growth of all students.
Formative Assessments
Formative assessment is a deliberate process used by teachers with students during instruction that provides actionable feedback that is used to adjust teaching and learning strategies to improve student mastery of learning targets and goals. Formative assessment is a process, not a test.

Interim Assessments
An interim assessment is a test administered at different intervals during the school year to check students' grasp on content and guide future instruction. They typically fall between formative and summative assessments during the school year.

State Summative Assessments
Summative assessments typically assess students’ mastery of standards at the end of the grade level and provide student achievement results at several levels, including individual, school, district, and state. They sum up achievement after a year of learning and determine if individual students and groups of students are on track academically.

The Data
Data is collected and analyzed for the purpose of improving teaching and learning.

Schoolzilla is a web-based platform. The data-drive dashboards provide clear information about how students are performing against strategic goals. Districtwide Interim and State Summative Assessment data are available to staff in Schoolzilla. Attendance, suspensions, office discipline referrals, course failures, and demographic data are also pulled in to allow for identification of trends or patterns of student needs.
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