USDA’s Smart Snacks in school standards are practical, science-based nutrition standards for all foods and beverages sold or served to students during the school day. The new rule went into effect July 1, 2014 and merges the previous California Nutrition Standards. Items can be checked at for compliance.
The following list is of foods and beverages that meet the standards for all grade levels. These items may also be available at different stores. Please double check that purchased items are tree nut/peanut free. Manufactures’ ingredients and distribution change frequently.
Thank you for your understanding and complying with our policy. If you have additional questions, please contact the Food and Nutrition Services Department (559) 925-2611.
We are a peanut and nut-free school district

ALL foods and beverages available to students at all District School Sites
will support health curriculum and promote optimal health.**
Smart Snacking Tips for Kids
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Smart Snacks Policy
In an effort to ensure compliance with state and local regulations, Central Union School District will only allow items to be sold or offered to students, between midnight and 30 minutes afterschool on campus, that are Smart Snack compliant.
Approved Items to be given to students
Only items from the CUSD Approved Smart Snack List will be OFFERED on school sites, from midnight to 30 minutes afterschool. Items not on the lists will be denied.
At the beginning of each school year, parents and staff will be given a smart snack policy reminder and approved list. The list will be updated as needed and distributed after revisions have been completed.
The onsite nursing and office staff will evaluate items brought to campus to ensure compliance with the approved list and cross reference classroom lists to ensure allergen safety.
As stated in CUSD’s Local Wellness Policy, sites should be moving away from rewarding students with food and beverages. As a best practice, please start to look at other creative ways to reward students.
Sale of Smart Snack Items
Only items from the CUSD Approved Smart Snack List and CUSD Food Service Approved Snack List will be SOLD on school sites, from midnight to 30 minutes afterschool. Items not on the lists will be denied for sale. The list will be updated as needed and distributed after revisions have been completed.
All food and beverage-based fundraisers must meet state regulations. The exchange of money, coupon, or voucher for a noncompliant item must take place off campus or 30 minutes afterschool, but the student may bring back money made from the sale to campus. The student may receive their inventory of purchased items on campus, at the end of day (to prevent distribution of item during the school day), but purchased noncompliant items must be distributed off campus or 30 minutes afterschool.