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Descriptions provided should include sufficient detail yet be sufficiently succinct to promote a broader understanding of the changes your LEA has put in place. LEAs are strongly encouraged to provide descriptions that do not exceed 300 words.
Provide an overview explaining the changes to program offerings that the LEA has made in response to school closures to address the COVID-19 emergency and the major impacts of the closures on students and families.
On the early onset of the COVID-19 emergency, Central Union School District (CUSD) began to develop a plan. The design of this plan consists of four components: Communication, School Meal Delivery, High-Quality Distant Learning Opportunities, and Safety of Students, Families, and Employees.
Families receive communications through the Local Educational Agency (LEA) district-wide global connect phone messaging system, parent resource web page, personal teacher phone calls, and zoom sessions. The information consists of COVID-19 protocols, disbursement/collection of devices, educational resources, food distribution, health and wellness resources, and outside agency supports. A questionnaire located on the Web page allows parents to express any questions or concerns, and receive a reply from the Superintendent addressing the matter.
School Meal Delivery
To ensure children receive a nutritious breakfast and lunch, the District's Food Service Department orchestrates our food preparation and meal deliveries for any community member 18 years and younger. Designated pick up sites are established, and administrative teams pass out meals to families throughout the school closure. Updated meal menus and notices are on the District website.
High-quality Distance Learning Opportunities
To support high-quality distance learning opportunities, the LEA provides an iPad and necessary attachments to each student in grades K-8. In cases where students do not have internet access, Wi-Fi hotspots or District MiFi cards are made available to students. Instruction focuses on the essential standards and meeting students' needs (academic and social-emotional). The District's Educational Service Department provides resources and support to staff and families with instructional and technological needs.
Safety of Students, Families, and Employee
The LEA maintains social distancing guidelines when disbursing meals, devices, and instructional materials to assure the safety of families and employees. Strategical cleaning occurs at all District facilities during school closure. The District continues to review updates and recommendations outline by the CDC Prevention Guidelines for strategies and recommendations to maintain a healthy environment.
Provide a description of how the LEA is meeting the needs of its English learners, foster youth and low-income students.
The CUSD is committed to meeting the needs of all students. Monitoring the status of all English Learners, foster youth, and low-income students occur throughout the year. This practice has continued during the COVID-19 school closure. Often these students do not have access to transportation, devices, or internet connectivity at home.
The LEA's Student iPads are available to all students at home. Family internet access is determined and provided when not already available. As with all students, teachers and administration regularly check-in on foster, English Learners, and low-income students. When transportation is unavailable and prevents a student from coming to the school site for meal or device distributions, site administration makes home visits.
The District's identified Grade Level Essential Standards are the critical focus for student instruction. Zoom Meetings often include breakout sessions for small group instruction to further scaffold and support instruction for at-risk students. Staff provides a variety of learning options, including pencil/paper packets, as well as an array of apps students were already familiar with for instruction and practice. Resources specifically designed to meet the language proficiency and academic needs of English Learners are shared with EL Students.
To ease the concern of the unknown, teachers hold Zoom meetings with parents to share what students' experienced during a remote learning session. Teaching staff support parents to assist their children with academic needs.
Provide a description of the steps that have been taken by the LEA to continue delivering high-quality distance learning opportunities.
Central Union Elementary School District has prided itself on being an LEA that has 1:1 access to iPads in K-8 classrooms. The use of these devices is for delivery of instruction and student demonstration of understanding though created work and practice. Students and staff familiarity with digital tools are assets in delivering high-quality distance learning opportunities to all students during COVID 19- school closures.
The LEA provides each K-8 grade student with an iPad and a power brick. If a student's home does not have Wi-Fi access, a Wi-Fi hotspot of MiFi card is made available through a third-party vendor. Distribution and collection of these devices take place at the school site while maintaining social distancing practices. Staffs provide weekly comprehensive educational packets digitally and in a paper copy by request. Transitional Kindergarteners receive individual Learning Packs that consist of consumable manipulatives for hands-on activities during distant learning.
Instruction focuses on Essential Standards and meeting student needs (academic and social-emotional). Each of the District's State Adoptions includes an array of digital components, and together with other educational applications, and dedicated staff, students receive an interactive and exciting distant learning experience.
The LEA provides regular updates to staff, providing resources and instructional videos in response to teachers' needs to provide instructional support to parents and students. Counselors and psychologists support staff and students through zoom sessions and phone calls. The LEA maintains student services throughout the COVID-19 closure.
The technology staff addresses technology concerns using ZenDesk, a technology ticket support system. The "mobile device management" (MDM), JAMF software is used to remotely monitor the connectivity of the iPads as well as push new Apps to students as needed. In compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), student internet activity is filtered and monitored regularly using SecURLy.
Central Union School District understands the ever-changing need for the current COVID-19 epidemic and continues to research the best practices.
Provide a description of the steps that have been taken by the LEA to provide school meals while maintaining social distancing practices.
Upon the decision to physically close our school sites, Central Union School District took action to plan for continued meal provision for students within our community. Three of our sites were selected to continue with school meals, Central School, Stratford School, and Neutra School. As both Neutra and Akers school are within close proximity for the NASL community, and due to the fact that the Akers cafeteria is under modernization and construction, the Neutra site was the most practical to stage for meal distribution. Due to the unanticipated school closure due to COVID-19, the District applied for a program waiver request to the California Department of Education (CDE) Nutrition Services Division (NSD), so that program allowances were relaxed in order to provide meal service at school and non-school sites in a noncongregate setting. Waiver requests must address the specifics of how the program operator will operate the SFSP or SSO
Beginning on March 23, 2020, the District provided daily Grab and Go breakfasts and lunches at those locations. Appropriate provisions were but in place for both staff and community members to maintain appropriate physical distancing as well as the utilization of Personal Protective Equipment for staff preparing and distributing student meals. The District transitioned to extended meal service moving to meal provision every two to three days. Meal provision continued through the end of May, 2020. Moving into the 2020-21 school year, the District will adjust accordingly to ensure that meal service is provided to our students based upon current State and Local County Public Health directions with respect to gathering and social settings.
Provide a description of the steps that have been taken by the LEA to arrange for supervision of students during ordinary school hours.
With the enactment of Executive Order N-33-20, the Governor of California issued a “stay at home” order effective March 19, 2020. Within those stay at home orders, at that time, all but essential services were expected to follow the stay at home order. Further, social gatherings were restricted/limited, and staff compliance under the executive order was expected. Thus, supervision of students during ordinary school hours was precluded due to these circumstances and limitations. Moving forward, the District will continue to examine school reopening procedures consistent with the Resilience Roadmap. Upon entering the appropriate Stage in the reopening, and with County Public Health guidance, the District will move forward with a planned school reopening keeping student and staff safety in the determination of school practices. The District will also continue to work closely with the Santa Rosa Rancheria Education Department and the NASL MWR and child care centers to partner when possible for student supervision.