Central Union School District

Local Control Accountability Plan


CUSD Local Indicator Self-Reflection 2024-25
CUSD LCAP Federal Addendum 2024-25
CUSD Local Control Accountability Plan & Budget Overview for Parents 2024-27

An overview of the LCFF & LCAP

California’s 2013-14 Budget Act approved a new way in which public schools in receive state funding.  This new funding method is known as the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and is a significant change in how California school districts were previously received state funds.

For many years, California had relied on a system that included general purpose funding (known as revenue limits) and more than 40 tightly defined categorical programs to provide state funding to school districts.  With the LCFF, funds are now equally provided per student with adjustments based on grade levels and demographic characteristics.  As a part of the LCFF, each school district is required to develop a plan called the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), which is used to show how education funds are used to support students.

What is the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)?

In California, the amount of state funding that goes to support K-12 education depends on the overall size of the state budget. The formula to determine K-12 education’s share of California revenue is Proposition 98, which as a general rule of thumb results in approximately 40% of state revenues going towards K-12 education.

Another way to think about this is that Proposition 98 determines the size of the K-12 education funding.  Prior to the passage of the Local Control Funding Formula, the state divided the funding into the two areas … revenue limits and categorical programs.  In effect, the state told each district what the allocation would be, and for the funding in each particular program.  This model was driven at the state level.

Now with the LCFF the state divides the funding with a relatively simple calculation.  These funds are provided basically at the same amount per student with a handful of adjustments for grade levels and demographic characteristics such as low income students, English learners and foster youth.  Also, under the Local Control Funding Formula, the state has largely handed over responsibility for determining the use of the funds to each school district.  The expectation is that funding flexibility improves the ability of districts to meet student for specific activities based upon local need.

What is a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)?

As part of LCFF, school districts are required to develop, adopt, and annually update a three-year Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). The LCAP is required to identify annual goals, specific actions geared toward implementing those goals, and must measure progress for student subgroups across multiple performance indicators based on eight priorities set by the State. The priorities must be aligned to the district’s spending plan. The LCAP must be approved before the annual district budget can be adopted. Once the budget and LCAP are adopted at the local level the plan will be reviewed by the County superintendent and ensure alignment of projected spending toward goals and services.

The LCAP groups the eight state priorities into three categories:

Conditions of learning:

1. Access to core services as measured by the extent to which students are taught by fully credentialed teachers, have standards-aligned textbooks and materials, and attend classes in safe and clean facilities.

2. Implementation of the Common Core State Standards for all students.

3. Access to a broad course of study and programs for high-needs and exceptional students.

Pupil outcomes:

4. Student achievement as measured by performance on standardized tests, the Academic Performance Index, the percentage of English learners who are reclassified as fluent in English; and for high schools, the proportion of students who are "college and career ready," and the share of high school students who pass Advanced Placement course exams with a score of at least a 3 out of 5, and other measures.

5. Other student outcomes as measured by performance in other required areas of study such as physical education and the arts.


6. Student engagement as measured by graduation and middle and high school dropout rates, chronic absenteeism and attendance.

7. Parent involvement as measured by the extent to which parents participate in key school decisions.

8. School climate as measured by suspension and expulsion rates, and other measures as defined by local school districts.

In addition to these eight areas, a district may also identify and incorporate in its plan goals related to its own local priorities.

Additional Links:
CA Dept. of Ed. LCFF Website
WestEd LCFF Video Channel

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